Super Nutty Bread

This is an amazing super yummy bread. One of the best things about it is, is its super easy to make! I generally make a loaf or two at a time, slice them and freeze it. You can adapt the recipe a little to suit what you have in your store cupboard.


  • 2 Cups LSA (Linseed, Sunflower and Almond) you can buy this in any supermarket. If you don't have it, almond flour works just the same or a combination of the two. 
  • 2 Cups mixed seeds (sunflower and pumpkin are my favorites), ground into a flour to the desired consistency, a little lumpy is fine. 
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 2-3 Tablespoons Chia Seeds 

Place the LSA, seeds, salt and chia seeds in a bowl. Add 2 cups of cold water,stir everything together to ensure it is all combined in the water.

Leave the bowl to one side for about an hour. By this time all the water should be absorbed into the mixture, it will now be quite stuck together and tough. Preheat the oven to 200C or 180C fan bake. Divide the mixture into loaf tins and place in the oven for about 45 mins – 1 hour. Don’t make the loaf too thick or else it won’t set in the middle and will just crumble when you cut it.


Once it is baked, remove and allow to cool in the loaf tin before slicing it. I love it toasted in the oven with hazelnut spread and brown rice malt syrup or with smashed avocado and lemon salt on…yum!!

Banana Nut Pancakes

These are delicious on a Sunday morning or even morning tea. They are surprisingly filling and like most of the recipes can be adapted to suit your taste. The best thing about them, is that you won’t even know they where healthy is someone served them up to you!



  • 2 bananas (smash-able)
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch cinnamon / nutmeg / ginger
  • 2 Tablespoon of nut butter (almond or peanut work best)

Mix everything together in one bowl, heat up your pan and add some butter to it. Pour a small amount and cook like normal pancakes! Then serve with fresh fruit, maple syrup, Greek yogurt or honey.


  • add in some frozen berries into the mix.
  • add some more sliced bananas for a real potassium hit
  • oatmeal if you want some more goodness
  • dark chocolate chips for a sweeter alternative
  • almond meal for more protein and to make them thicker

the basic formula is 1 banana + 1 egg + 1 tablespoon of nut butter = pancake goodness!

Smoothie Morning

Smoothies…love them. YUM!

They are super quick to make (specially if you have a Magic Bullet), you can through anything in them (well just about), and make endless combinations to suit the season and whatever you feel like. So, I’m not here to write endless recipes about the combinations of ingredients you can put into a smoothie. Treat it like a game, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. Once you have found a ‘base’ that works for you, then experiment from there. Below are a list of ingredients I would recommend using in your daily smoothie, along with the ‘base’ that I use for my smoothie. The thing to remember is the quantity. Firstly you only want to make what you are going to consume, or else it just separates and becomes a terrible mess. Secondly, you want to add at least 1 cup of liquid, or else it’ll be like a solid ice cream that just won’t move!

 This one is berries, yoghurt, super smoothie mix, milk, chia seeds, nut butter = yum!!


Bananas, Frozen berries (not strawberries they end up like rocks), kiwi fruit, mango, fresh strawberries, fresh berries, peaches, apricots, avocado


Spinach, kale, cucumber,

Healthy Fats

Nut butter, seeds, coconut oil, chia seeds,


Coconut water, coconut milk, almond milk, greek yogurt


Dates, honey, brown rice malt syrup, vanilla, cacao, spirulina powder, cinnamon, ginger, bee pollen, maca powder.

My ‘base’ : 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1/2 banana….then whatever I feel like.