Food / Kai / Nom nom / Chow 

Whatever you call it, it's something that we can't live without. Everyone has their own opinion on the topic, everyone has memories about it, some have dreams while other have nightmares. However we approach Kai / food, let's face it we can't go a day without it in some shape or form. 

I'm not a chef, just a foodie, I love trying new recipes but I love sharing recipes. I'm not here to tell you what you should and shouldn't be eating, as I'm not a nutritionist, just interested in food and how it affects our bodies. It's a bit like the saying 'whatever you put in, you'll get out'. I do believe that if you nourish you body with good food, it will repay you in form and functionality.

For me, good food is eating as close to the ground as possible. So fresh vegetables, grains, seeds, meat, fish, fruit and of course some treats. So the recipes I'm sharing with you are easy to prepare, easy to source in the ingredients and of course delicious. Trust me on the taste, I have a very good taste tester with high expectations and if it's not up to standard, he'll let me know! 

I hope you enjoy them :) 

Here is a grocery list with the basics for your pantry. Fill your trolley from the perimeter in, that's where all the good stuff is.